Cow and Chicken : The 53rd Episode.

One day, I was walking down the street, when I saw a yard sale of Cow and Chicken merchandise. I loved Cow and Chicken when I was a kid back in 1997. I saw a tape that said `` Cow and Chicken : 53rd Episode ``. That was odd. Cow and Chicken only lasted 52 episodes before cancellation.
I bought it for $6.66 and a plush of Chicken. When I got home, I put the tape in my TV. The opening was fairly decent, but when the Cow and Chicken logo came on, the writing was hyper realistic blood.
The first segment came on. It was called ``Chicken's Jaw``. It started off with Chicken eating a hamburger. Cow came and said ``What are you eating, Chicken?``. Then Chicken said ``YOU``. He then proceeded to stab Cow in the chest. I couldn't believe it. Blood on a kid's show that barely reruns anymore. Chicken is then seen with hyper-realistic eyes and a knife in his hand. He walks up to Earl. He then says something, but I couldn't understand it because the audio was cut.
The next segment comes on. It is called ``Fart Bowl``. It takes place a month after the first segment. It opens with Ren from Ren + Stimpy. He proceeds to grab The Red Guy and stab him 666 times in a row. Stimpy then comes and says `` Ooooh! Can I stab him? ``, his voice much deeper and more rough than Ren + Stimpy on Nick. `` Yeah, sure. Whatever. `` Ren replies, sounding much more high-pitched. He then proceeds to say the following: `` lundimardimecredijeudivenredisamedidimanche `` at Chicken. Chicken then dies.